in the following set which rhymes with the word "awoke".

broke provoke soak pack.

please help me

2 syllables in "awoke" so "provoke" although "broke" and "soak" rhyme as well.



SraJMcGin is right. You could have done it yourself by saying the words together: awoke/broke, awoke/provoke, awoke/soak, awoke/pack. When you hear them you can tell that the first three end with the same sound and the last pair sounds different. The /k/ is the same but the vowels are different.

To determine which word from the set rhymes with "awoke," we need to understand what it means for words to rhyme. Rhyming is when the ending sounds of two or more words are identical or very similar.

In this case, we are looking for a word that ends with the same sound as "awoke." The key sound here is the "-oke" sound. Let's take a look at the words in the set:


Out of these options, the word that rhymes with "awoke" is "soak." The "oke" ending of "soak" matches the ending sound of "awoke."

So, the word "soak" rhymes with "awoke" from the given set.