I nee to know about African art and what makes it distinctive -has anyone got any ideas thanks

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some links for you to peruse:

1. http://www.africanart.org/

2. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/clemons/RMC/exhib/93.ray.aa/African.html

3. http://africanart.com/

The masks and scuptures are especially wonderful.

African art is known for its distinctiveness and rich cultural significance. To understand what makes African art unique, you can explore a variety of online resources, museums, and galleries that specialize in African art. Here is a step-by-step guide to helping you learn more about African art:

1. Start by conducting a general search on the internet using keywords such as "African art" or "African art characteristics." This will provide you with a broad overview of the topic.

2. Browse websites that specifically focus on African art. Some reputable sources include the African Art Museum website (http://www.africanart.org/), the University of Virginia's African art exhibit page (http://www.lib.virginia.edu/clemons/RMC/exhib/93.ray.aa/African.html), and africanart.com.

3. Take note of the key features and characteristics that are commonly associated with African art. These may include representations of human figures, masks, sculptures, textiles, beadwork, and jewelry. African art often values symbolism, abstraction, and stylization.

4. Look for museums, galleries, or special exhibits in your area that display African art. Visiting these places in person will offer a more immersive experience and a chance to engage with knowledgeable curators or guides who can provide further insights.

5. Explore books or academic articles on African art that delve deeper into its history, cultural significance, and specific artistic traditions. Your local library or university library might have resources on this subject. Some suggested books include "A History of Art in Africa" by Monica Blackmun VisonĂ  and "African Art" by Frank Willett.

Remember, true understanding comes from direct personal engagement with the subject matter. The more you explore and interact with African art, whether through online resources or physical experiences, the better you will comprehend its distinctiveness and appreciate its cultural significance.