The leading cause of death and permanent disabilities due to untentional injury is

D.automobile accidents

I chose B as my answer. Can someone check my answer.

It's not falling for children. Check this article.

Thanks I change my answer to D.In the text it ay's all four answers but it as automobile accidents first.

Good. Auto accidents seem to be the worse. As far as I know, it's mainly older people who suffer the most from falls.

To determine the leading cause of death and permanent disabilities due to unintentional injury, we can analyze the provided options: drowning, falls, poisoning, and automobile accidents. To verify your answer choice, let's examine each option:

A. Drowning: Drowning incidents can be fatal, but they are not as common as other forms of unintentional injuries. They typically occur in specific circumstances like accidents in water bodies. While drowning can cause both death and permanent disabilities, it may not be the leading cause overall.

B. Falls: Falls are a leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths and permanent disabilities worldwide. They can happen in various settings, such as workplaces, homes, or public spaces. Given their prevalence, they are often a significant contributor to unintentional injuries.

C. Poisoning: Poisoning incidents, including accidental ingestion of harmful substances or excessive medication, can certainly result in death or permanent disabilities. However, falls tend to be more widespread and have a higher overall impact.

D. Automobile accidents: While automobile accidents can be severe and lead to fatalities and permanent disabilities, they may not necessarily be the leading cause of all unintentional injuries.

Considering the information provided, falls (option B) seem to be the most likely response, as they are a common cause of unintentional injury-related deaths and permanent disabilities.