milkweed novel by jery spinelli

the literary devices
the streetlight were like moons cupped in iron fingers what is being compared?

continue milkeed jerry spilleni the sentence

the steetlights were like moons cupped in iron fingers
what does this reaveal about the narrator`s view of the world around him?


In the sentence "the streetlights were like moons cupped in iron fingers," a comparison or simile is being used to describe the streetlights. The streetlights are being compared to moons that are cupped in iron fingers. This comparison helps evoke an image of the streetlights shining brightly, similar to how moons might appear if they were held gently in iron fingers.

In the sentence you provided, the phrase "the streetlights were like moons cupped in iron fingers" contains a comparison between streetlights and moons. This is an example of a literary device called a simile, which is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two different things using the words "like" or "as."

To identify literary devices in a novel like "Milkweed" by Jerry Spinelli, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel: Begin by reading the novel carefully from start to finish. Pay attention to the author's use of language and any instances that stand out as being figurative or symbolic.

2. Look for figurative language: Literary devices such as similes, metaphors, personification, and symbolism often involve figurative language. Pay close attention to descriptive passages or comparisons that go beyond literal meanings.

3. Identify similes and metaphors: Similes and metaphors are the most common literary devices used in writing. Similes explicitly use "like" or "as" to compare two things, while metaphors make direct comparisons without using these words. Look for phrases that stand out as comparisons between different objects or ideas.

4. Analyze descriptive language: Focus on passages that provide vivid descriptions or use unique imagery. These descriptions often employ literary devices to create a more engaging and imaginative reading experience.

5. Discuss with others: Engage in discussions with fellow readers, join book clubs, or attend literature classes where you can analyze and share your interpretations of the literary devices present in the novel. Different perspectives can enhance your understanding of the author's use of literary devices.

Remember that literary devices serve a purpose in enhancing the storytelling and conveying deeper meanings. By paying close attention to the language and using these steps, you can identify and appreciate the various literary devices employed in "Milkweed" or any other novel.

This is a simile. He is comparing the street light to a moon being held in an iron fingered hand. The light itself is round. The container for the light looks like iron fingers.