Starting with S = kB * ln W

Derive S = (U(T) - U(0)) / T + N * kB * ln q(T)

To derive the formula S = (U(T) - U(0)) / T + N * kB * ln q(T) from S = kB * ln W, we'll need to use some concepts from statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Let's break down the derivation step by step:

1. Start from the expression S = kB * ln W, where S is the entropy, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of microstates corresponding to a macrostate.

2. Consider a system with energy levels E1, E2, ..., EN, where N is the number of particles in the system.

3. Let U(0) be the internal energy of the system when all particles are in the ground state, and U(T) be the internal energy at temperature T.

4. The number of microstates corresponding to a macrostate with total energy U is given by the partition function q(T), which is defined as the sum of the Boltzmann factors e^(-E/kBT) over all possible microstates of the system.

5. Express W in terms of q(T) using the relation W = Σe^(-Ei/kBT), where Ei are the energy levels of the system.

6. Rewrite S = kB * ln W as S = kB * ln Σe^(-Ei/kBT).

7. Use the property of logarithms, ln(a*b) = ln(a) + ln(b), to rewrite the expression as S = kB * ln(e^(-E1/kBT) + e^(-E2/kBT) + ... + e^(-EN/kBT)).

8. Apply the logarithm identity ln(e^x) = x to each term inside the logarithm to obtain S = kB * (-E1/kBT + -E2/kBT + ... + -EN/kBT) = -(E1 + E2 + ... + EN) / T.

9. Rearrange the terms to match the desired form S = (U(T) - U(0)) / T.

10. Finally, multiply both sides of the equation by T and add N * kB * ln q(T) to obtain the desired result: S = (U(T) - U(0)) / T + N * kB * ln q(T).