The function of the sinoatrial node is to

A. keep the heart beating.
B. filter lymph.
C. prevent blood from backing up into the atrium.
D. divide the right and left sides of the heart.

The sinoatrial node is also known as the pacemaker
of the heart because it sets the pace of the heart rate.

the answers confuse me. i think b not sure

Multiple post. Please see your later post.


To determine the correct answer, let's explain each option and eliminate the incorrect ones:

A. "Keep the heart beating." This option is correct. The sinoatrial node (SA node) is responsible for initiating the electrical impulses that regulate the contraction of the heart muscles, thereby maintaining the heart's rhythm and ensuring it keeps beating.

B. "Filter lymph." This option is incorrect. The SA node is not involved in the filtering of lymph, which is the role of the lymphatic system.

C. "Prevent blood from backing up into the atrium." This option is incorrect. The prevention of blood backing up into the atrium is primarily maintained by the valves within the heart, such as the mitral and tricuspid valves.

D. "Divide the right and left sides of the heart." This option is incorrect. The division of the right and left sides of the heart is mainly achieved by the septum, a thick muscular wall between the two sides.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. The function of the sinoatrial node is to keep the heart beating.