1,643,235 round to the nearest ten thousand. is this the right answer.



First, to round to the nearest ten thousand, you still need to keep the numbers to the left of the ten thousand place. So --

The 4 is in the 10 thousand place.

Look at the number to the immediate right of the 4. If 3 is smaller than 5, then the 4 stays the same. If 3 is larger than 5, then we round up.

Please try again.


no read what ms.sue wrote


Correct answer

To round a number to the nearest ten thousand, you need to look at the digit in the ten thousand place (the place four digits to the left of the decimal point).

In the given number 1,643,235, the digit in the ten thousand place is 4. Since it is less than 5, we keep the digit in the ten thousand place and replace all the digits to the right with zeros.

So, rounding 1,643,235 to the nearest ten thousand gives us 1,640,000.

Therefore, the rounded answer is 1,640,000, not 7,570,000.