spelling bu the rules.

final f and fe change to v,
then add-es to form the plural.

selt + s------------
half + s------------
sailor + s----------

selves halves and sailors

self + s------------ selves

half + s------------ halves

sailor + s---------- sailors

To spell these words according to the given rules, we need to follow these steps:

1. If a word ends in "f" or "fe," we change the "f" or "fe" to "v" before adding "-es" to form the plural.
2. If a word does not end in "f" or "fe," we simply add "-es" to form the plural.

Now let's apply these rules to the words you provided:

1. "selt": Since "selt" does not end in "f" or "fe," we can directly add "-es" to form the plural: "seltses."

2. "half": Similarly, "half" does not end in "f" or "fe," so we can add "-es" to form the plural: "halfes."

3. "sailor": Here, "sailor" does not end in "f" or "fe," so once again, we add "-es" to form the plural: "sailores."

Therefore, the spellings according to the given rules are:

- "selt" → "seltses"
- "half" → "halfes"
- "sailor" → "sailores"