In the example resume in the book it breaks down this guys skills into three categories: sales/marketing skills (5 bullet point), communication and documation skills (7 bullet points), and organizational/management skills (4 bullet points).

In the margain I labeled that section skills or should it be qualification summary and I have ten bullet points is that over doing it?

The cleaner and easier your Resume is to read, the happier your potential employers will be to read it. Short and to the point is always the best. If the bullet points are too long, break out the summaries.

Hope this helps.

When deciding how to label and format the skills section on your resume, it is important to consider the content and the overall structure of your resume.

In the example resume you mentioned, the three categories - sales/marketing skills, communication and documentation skills, and organizational/management skills - are labeled and separated clearly. This approach is helpful for the reader to quickly understand the different skill sets the candidate possesses.

Regarding your question about labeling the section as "Skills" or "Qualification Summary," both options can be used, depending on your preference and the nature of the skills you want to highlight. If you have a variety of skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for, using "Skills" as the section label would be a suitable choice.

However, if you have a more focused set of skills that directly align with the requirements of the job, using "Qualification Summary" might be more appropriate. This conveys that the skills you are highlighting are crucial qualifications for the role.

Now, let's talk about the number of bullet points you have. Ten bullet points in a skills section may be too many, as it can make the section lengthy and less impactful. Here are a few suggestions to help you:

1. Prioritize: Select the most relevant and impressive skills for the role you are applying for. Focus on those that directly align with the job description and demonstrate your expertise.

2. Consolidate: Look for overlapping or similar skills and combine them into one bullet point. This allows you to represent multiple skills with brevity.

3. Be concise: Instead of using full sentences, use concise phrases or keywords to describe your skills. This makes the information easier to scan for the reader.

Remember, the skills section should provide a concise summary of your key qualifications and make a strong impression. By focusing on the most relevant skills and presenting them in a clear and concise manner, you can create a more effective section on your resume.