A physician listen’s to a patient’s chest, and then examines the patient’s eyes.

The eyes are located _______ to the chest.
A. distal C. posterior
B. medial D. superior

I'm confused... posterior is closer, distal is farther, superior is toward the head, medial is to the side

I think the answer is (D) but couldn't it be (A) too?

I think D is correct. I don't know how it could be A.

Another tutor may think differently.

You're correct that posterior means closer to the back and distal means farther away. However, when we talk about the location of body parts, we often use anatomical terms that are relative to a certain reference point. In this case, we are talking about the location of the eyes relative to the chest.

The chest is located anteriorly (closer to the front) to the eyes. Therefore, if we are considering the eyes in relation to the chest, we would describe the eyes as being posterior to the chest. So, the correct answer would be (C) posterior.

It's important to remember that anatomical terms are used to describe the relationship between body parts, and those relationships can change based on the reference point. In this case, we are considering the position of the eyes relative to the chest.