
y less then or equal to 7x-13
y>3x + 6

To determine if the point (1,19) satisfies the system of inequalities:

1) Substitute the x and y values from the point (1,19) into the first inequality:
y ≤ 7x - 13
19 ≤ 7(1) - 13
19 ≤ 7 - 13
19 ≤ -6

Since 19 is not less than or equal to -6, the point (1,19) does not satisfy the first inequality.

2) Substitute the x and y values from the point (1,19) into the second inequality:
y > 3x + 6
19 > 3(1) + 6
19 > 3 + 6
19 > 9

Since 19 is greater than 9, the point (1,19) satisfies the second inequality.

Since the point (1,19) does not satisfy the first inequality but satisfies the second inequality, it does not satisfy the system of inequalities as a whole.