For act 2 scene 4 I don't understand this question. It says what malapropisms does the nurse use?

This answer explains it.

Here are a couple of sites on malapropisms. Very simply, they are a funny misuse of words.
Check this page.

To identify the malapropisms used by the nurse in Act 2 Scene 4, you need to analyze the dialogue of the character and look for instances where she unintentionally replaces a word with a similar-sounding but incorrect word, leading to humorous or absurd meaning. Here's how you can approach understanding the malapropisms used by the nurse:

1. Read the scene: Start by reading Act 2 Scene 4 of the play in order to familiarize yourself with the dialogue and identify instances where the nurse speaks.

2. Look for humorous language: Pay attention to any phrases or statements from the nurse that strike you as odd, funny, or nonsensical. Malapropisms often involve swapping one word for another that sounds similar but has a completely different meaning.

3. Compare words used: As you identify potential malapropisms, compare the actual word used by the nurse with the word that would have been more appropriate in the given context. For example, if she says "pineapple" instead of "pinnacle," it would be considered a malapropism.

4. Consider the context: Malapropisms are usually used for comedic effect, so think about the context in which the nurse says these phrases. Is she trying to convey something serious or important, or is she trying to be witty? Understanding the context will help you determine if it is a malapropism or simply a slip of the tongue.

5. Analyze the effect: Finally, try to interpret the effect or impact of the malapropisms used by the nurse. Do they increase the humor of the scene? Do they reveal anything about the character's intelligence or lack thereof? Understanding the purpose and impact of these malapropisms will enhance your overall understanding of the scene.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify and comprehend the malapropisms used by the nurse in Act 2 Scene 4 of the play.