Could you please check these answers thanks so much.

Directions: give own answers

1. Qu' est-ce que tu fais comme langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?
Answer: Je fait du français.

2. Et tes copains, qu'est-ce qu'ils font comme langue(s)?
Answer: Ils font de l'espagnol.

3. Qu'est-ce que vous faites en maths? De l' algèbre? De la géométrie? De la tigonométrie?
Answer: Vous faites de l' algèbre.

Careful with #3. What do YOU (could be plural, you-all) do? WE or if you thought they were addressing you formally = I. Since Nos. 1 & 2 use the familiar tu form with you, I would assume #3 is asking about "all of you" = WE.

If you have difficulty in answering questions, follow these steps:
1. translate into English
2. answer first in English
3. now do the French and check carefully

Sra (aka Mme)

1. Je FAIS, not "je fait"

Thanks, kl = I never noticed that one!

Sra (aka Mme)

Just one thing :

In French, you always leave a space between the last word and the question mark.

"langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?"
"langues ? Du français ? De l'espagnol ?"

To check these answers, let's analyze each question and answer step by step:

1. Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme langues? Du français? De l'espagnol?
The question is asking what languages the person does. The answer "Je fais du français" means "I do French." This answer is correct if the person only does French.

2. Et tes copains, qu'est-ce qu'ils font comme langue(s)?
The question is asking what languages the person's friends do. The answer "Ils font de l'espagnol" means "They do Spanish." This answer is correct if the person's friends only do Spanish.

3. Qu'est-ce que vous faites en maths? De l'algèbre? De la géométrie? De la trigonométrie?
The question is asking what topics the person studies in math. The answer "Vous faites de l'algèbre" means "You do algebra." This answer is correct if the person only studies algebra.

Overall, these answers are correct based on the information given.