Train A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 80 mile per hour and train B is traveling at 88 miles per hour. Train A passes a station at 9:20 P.M. If train B passes the same station at 9:50 P.M., at what time will train B catch up with train A?

To determine the time when Train B catches up with Train A, we need to find the time difference between their passage at the station. Train B passes the station 30 minutes after Train A did.

Given that Train A is traveling at 80 miles per hour and Train B is traveling at 88 miles per hour, the relative speed between them is the difference in their speeds, which is 88 - 80 = 8 miles per hour.

Since Train B catches up with Train A at a rate of 8 miles per hour, we can set up a simple equation to find the time it takes for Train B to catch up:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's represent the time for Train B to catch up as 'T'.

The distance traveled by Train B in T hours is equal to the distance traveled by Train A in (T + 0.5) hours (0.5 hours = 30 minutes).

So, we have the equation:

88T = 80(T + 0.5)

Now we can solve for 'T'.

88T = 80T + 40

88T - 80T = 40

8T = 40

T = 40/8

T = 5 hours

Therefore, Train B will catch up with Train A after 5 hours.

To find the exact time, we need to add the catching up time (5 hours) to Train B's initial passing time (9:50 PM).

9:50 PM + 5 hours = 2:50 AM (next day)

So, Train B will catch up with Train A at 2:50 AM.

let the time be t hrs after train B passes the station.

At that moment train A will be 40 miles down the track (1/2 hour x 80 mph)
and will travel another 80t miles
when train B reaches train A, train B will have traveled 88t miles

so 88t = 40 + 80t
solve for t
add t to 9:50 pm

9:55 pm