Solve for g

This makes no sense to me please help! Thanks!!

Solve for g


This means that g and q are multiplied together. For instance, if A = 10, and q = 5, what does g equal?
10 = 5q
10/5 = q

g = q/A

g = A/q

Just divide both sides of the equation by q. It makes perfect sense.

b=hnu solve for u


Ah, the classic equation A=gq. This equation is actually quite simple to solve for g.

To find g, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. So, let's divide both sides of the equation by q:

A/q = g

There you have it! The solution for g is A/q. Now, don't be a square and go solve some equations with a big grin on your face!

To solve for g in the equation A = gq, we need to isolate g on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start with the equation: A = gq.
2. Since g is being multiplied by q, to isolate g, divide both sides of the equation by q. This cancels out the q on the right side of the equation.
A/q = (gq)/q
A/q = g * (q/q)
3. Simplify the expression on the right side of the equation:
A/q = g * 1
A/q = g
4. Now, g is isolated on one side of the equation. Therefore, the solution for g is g = A/q.

To find the value of g, substitute the given values of A and q into the equation g = A/q.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.