how do you divide the following words

(attachment and ugliness)?

I found these at



To divide the words "attachment" and "ugliness," we can break them down into syllables. Syllables are units of sound in a word that contain a vowel sound.

To divide a word into syllables, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the vowels in the word. In the word "attachment," the vowels are 'a' and 'e.' In the word "ugliness," the vowels are 'u' and 'i.'

2. Create divisions between the vowels. Each division represents a syllable. In "attachment," we have at-tach-ment, with three syllables. In "ugliness," we have ug-li-ness, with three syllables.

Now, let's divide the words:

attachment: at-tach-ment (3 syllables)
ugliness: ug-li-ness (3 syllables)

I retrieved the division of these words by referring to You can also use various online dictionaries or offline resources to find the correct syllable divisions for any word.