What the does the literary technique "double" or doubling mean.

I read some definitions online, but I kind of want to hear a simple definition.


"Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" employs the technique: "I lean and loaf at .... ANADIPLOSIS (Greek "doubling"): Repeating the last word of a ..."

Look up "anadiplosis" -- there are good examples here.


The literary technique of "double" or "doubling" is a recurring motif or theme in literature where characters, events, or symbols are presented in pairs or dualities. It is a way for authors to create layers of meaning, complexity, and contrast in their work. Doubles can be used in various ways, such as representing internal conflicts within a character, reflecting societal divisions or tensions, or highlighting contrasting ideas or perspectives.

To understand the concept of doubling in literature, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text attentively: Look for repeated patterns, characters, or symbols that appear in pairs or mirror each other. Pay attention to any instances where the author seems to be drawing parallels or creating dualities.

2. Analyze the relationships: Examine the relationships between the doubles. Are they identical, complementary, or polar opposites? Consider how these relationships contribute to the overall meaning or theme of the text. Look for any conflicts, ironies, or revelations that arise from these doubles.

3. Interpret the significance: Reflect on the purpose of the doubling technique in the context of the story. Consider why the author chose to incorporate doubles and what they might symbolize or represent. Think about how the doubles enhance the depth and richness of the narrative, and how they contribute to the themes, motifs, or messages of the text.

Remember, the concept of doubling may vary depending on the specific literary work or the author's intentions. It can manifest in different ways, such as physical doubles, psychological duality, parallel events, or even symbolic representations. By exploring the text with a critical eye, you can uncover the meaning and significance behind the use of doubles in literature.