Identify the roles district, state, and federal government agencies have in your local schools.

for the state of wisconsin

can you help me find a website

Here are a number of sites:

Check this one.

Sure! To find information about the roles of district, state, and federal government agencies in Wisconsin's local schools, you can start by visiting the official website of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Here's how you can find it:

1. Open your internet browser.
2. In the search bar, type "Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction" or go directly to
3. Once you're on the DPI website, look for a section or tab related to "Schools" or "Education."
4. Explore the website and look for specific information about the roles of district, state, and federal agencies in local schools. This section might be titled "Our Work," "Programs," or something similar.
5. Within that section, you should be able to find detailed information about the different roles and responsibilities of these government agencies in Wisconsin's local schools.

Remember, government websites often have search bars as well, so if you can't find the information immediately, you can type relevant keywords into the search bar to help narrow down your search.