how do i answer the queastion, En el canal de univision,el programa de cristina y el de montel en espanol son programas de

Is this the exercise in your textbook "Paso a Paso" (I think is the title), like a crossword puzzle? I'm not sure exactly what you need. There is a Cristina that's a singer and one that is a journalist. Montel has a "talk show" but they are both "entertainment" shows. Also, but I don't know if it's on Univisión but there is a Cristina from Spain and a Montel from France; they both have scientific shows.


To answer the question, "En el canal de Univision, el programa de Cristina y el de Montel en español son programas de," you need some knowledge about the programming on Univision. If you don't know the answer off the top of your head, you can use the following steps to find the answer:

1. Start by searching for information about Univision's programming. You can search on a search engine like Google by typing "Univision programming" or visiting Univision's official website.

2. Look for a list of shows or programs on Univision. This might be available on their website or in articles about the channel's programming.

3. Scan through the list of shows and look for any mention of shows hosted by Cristina and Montel. Take note if there are any shows hosted by them that are mentioned as being in Spanish.

4. In this specific case, you should be able to find that the Spanish-language programs hosted by Cristina and Montel on Univision are "El programa de Cristina" and "El programa de Montel," respectively.

By following these steps, you can find the answer to the question and provide an accurate response.