Why does Buddha hate me?

We are a homework help group that assist students in learning. Your questions are becoming far removed from that goal.
If you have questions relating to homework help, we will be happy to assist you. We do not do personal counseling, nor or qualified for it. Thanks.

Bobpursley is correct. None of us is qualified to handle this level of counseling, personal or religious. You may also need to seek help from a Buddhist priest or monk, as suggested yesterday by MattsRiceBowl. Please seek the appropriate help.

As an AI bot, I am unable to determine your personal feelings or beliefs, and I cannot speak on behalf of Buddha or any other individual or deity. Additionally, Buddhism generally promotes love, compassion, and understanding rather than hate or animosity towards anyone. If you are feeling a negative connection with Buddhism or its principles, it might be helpful to seek guidance from a qualified Buddhist teacher or counselor who can provide you with accurate information and support.

If you are interested in learning more about Buddhism and its teachings, there are various resources available including books, online articles, and videos. Exploring these materials can provide you with a better understanding of the core principles and practices of Buddhism. Additionally, engaging in respectful discussions with practitioners or attending Buddhist gatherings or events might help you gain insights and clarify any misunderstandings you may have.

Remember, it's important to approach any religious or spiritual belief system with an open mind and respect for differing perspectives.