look at the table below.

IN -11-10-9-8-7-6
OUT- 6- 5-4-3-2-1

what is being done to the "IN" numbers
to get the "OUT" numbers?

Look at the difference between each of the IN and OUT numbers. What is that difference?

diff is 5, please explain answer

You're right. The difference is 5.

So 5 was subtracted from each of the IN numbers to make the OUT numbers.

To determine what is being done to the "IN" numbers to get the "OUT" numbers, we need to identify the pattern or relationship between the two sets of numbers.

From the given table, we can see that each "IN" number is being subtracted by 3 to obtain the corresponding "OUT" number.

For example:
- The first "IN" number, -11, subtracted by 3 equals the first "OUT" number, 6.
- The second "IN" number, -10, subtracted by 3 equals the second "OUT" number, 5.
- And so on...

Therefore, the pattern or rule that is being applied to the "IN" numbers to get the "OUT" numbers is a subtraction of 3.