look around at your local community, how easily do disabled people get around.

what needs to be chnged.
i need to write a persuasive essay, about this, like what needs to be changed to make it easier for disabled people to get around.

please just give me some points, so it can get me started

Are there curb cuts at intersections for people with wheel chairs? Do traffic lights have little beepers to let blind people know when it's safe to cross? Do stores have motorized carts for people with mobility problems? Do people respect the handicapped parking places? Do store employees help blind people? Are public buildings have handicapped bathrooms and ramps? Do stores and streets have places to sit? Does your community have free or inexpensive transportation for handicapped?

ok, these are some great points , thanks

To write a persuasive essay about improving accessibility for disabled people in your local community, you can consider the following points:

1. Conduct thorough research: Begin by examining your local community's infrastructure, transportation systems, public spaces, and facilities to analyze how disabled people currently navigate these areas. Identify the specific challenges or barriers they face in getting around.

2. Highlight the rights of disabled individuals: Emphasize that disabled people have the same rights and deserve equal access as any other member of society. Discuss relevant laws and regulations that support accessibility, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States.

3. Focus on physical accessibility: Discuss the importance of creating accessible infrastructure, including wheelchair ramps, widened doorways, accessible parking spaces, and properly equipped public transportation. Argue that these modifications will significantly enhance disabled individuals' mobility.

4. Advocate for improved transportation services: Highlight the need for accessible public transport options, including buses, trains, and taxis, equipped with ramps or lifts, priority seating, and audible announcements for the visually impaired. Encourage the expansion of accessible transport networks.

5. Promote inclusive building design: Discuss the significance of universal design principles, which ensure that buildings and facilities cater to people with diverse abilities. Encourage architects and developers to incorporate inclusive features such as braille signage, visual contrasts, and accessible restroom facilities.

6. Address attitudinal barriers: Suggest the importance of fostering a more inclusive and empathetic attitude towards disabled individuals. Encourage community members to educate themselves about disabilities, challenge stereotypes, and promote inclusivity in everyday interactions and social settings.

7. Engage relevant stakeholders: Promote collaboration between disability advocacy groups, local government officials, urban planners, architects, and community organizations. Explain that engaging multiple stakeholders amplifies the likelihood of achieving meaningful change and encourages collective responsibility.

8. Highlight economic benefits: Illustrate how creating accessible environments benefits both disabled individuals and the community as a whole. Emphasize the economic advantages, such as increased tourism, business opportunities, and a more vibrant and diverse community.

9. Provide examples and real-life stories: Support your arguments with concrete examples from other communities that have successfully implemented accessibility improvements. Share personal stories of disabled individuals who have faced challenges due to limited accessibility.

10. Encourage action and change: Conclude by urging your audience to take action, whether it's contacting local officials, raising awareness through campaigns, or participating in community initiatives. Encourage them to be proactive in promoting and advocating for inclusivity and accessibility.

Remember to use persuasive language and compelling evidence to support your claims throughout your essay. Good luck with your essay!