I am looking for my study guide -

what ends translation ( genetics)

a stop codon

To find out what ends translation in genetics, you can refer to your study materials such as textbooks, lecture notes, or online resources that cover the topic of molecular biology or genetics. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the relevant information:

1. Check your course materials: Start by reviewing any textbooks or study guides provided by your instructor. Look for sections that specifically discuss the process of translation in genetics, which is the process by which the genetic information in mRNA is used to synthesize proteins.

2. Review lecture notes: If you have taken notes during your lectures or have access to lecture recordings, go through them to identify points related to the termination of translation in genetics. Lecturers often provide explanations and examples that can aid your understanding.

3. Search online resources: Utilize credible online resources such as educational websites, scientific journals, or trusted genetics-focused platforms. Use search terms like "translation in genetics termination" or "end of translation in genetics" to find relevant information. Make sure to evaluate the credibility of the sources by checking for author expertise and peer review processes.

4. Consult genetic databases: If you need more specific or detailed information, genetic databases like NCBI's GenBank or the European Bioinformatics Institute's Ensembl can provide annotated genetic sequences. These databases often contain information about gene expression, including translation termination signals.

Remember to critically analyze and compare the information you find to ensure accuracy. It is always advisable to consult your instructor or classmates if you need further clarification or have specific questions related to your course material.