x ^2 + 6x + 9 (x ^2 - 3x)

_____________ __________
x (x ^2 - 9)

possible answers are

x -3


x + 3

x + 3

so far i got 3x(3X-4)/X^3-9....then facotor the denominator...after that cancel out the like terms..


I am using parenthesis to separate , if i write the whole prob as is, it runs together

a + 9 (3a - 18)
_____ ________
36 - a^2 (3a + 27)

possible answers i can choose from

a + 6

a - 6

- 1
a - 6

- 1
a + 6

To simplify the given expression, we need to simplify both the numerator and the denominator separately and then combine them.

Let's start with the numerator:

a + 9(3a - 18)

First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

a + 9 * 3a - 9 * 18

a + 27a - 162

Combine like terms:

28a - 162

Now, let's simplify the denominator:

36 - a^2(3a + 27)

Distribute the multiplication:

36 - 3a^3 - 27a^2

Combine like terms:

-3a^3 - 27a^2 + 36

Now we have both the simplified numerator and denominator:

Numerator: 28a - 162
Denominator: -3a^3 - 27a^2 + 36

To simplify the expression further, we can look for any common factors to cancel out. In this case, we can factor out a common factor of 2 from the numerator and the denominator:

Numerator: 2(14a - 81)
Denominator: 2(-3a^3 - 27a^2 + 18)

Now, our simplified expression becomes:

(14a - 81) / (-3a^3 - 27a^2 + 18)

Now let's check the given possible answers to see which one matches our simplified expression:

1 / (a + 6)
1 / (a - 6)
-1 / (a - 6)
-1 / (a + 6)

From our simplified expression, we see that the correct answer is:

-1 / (a - 6)