True or False:

1. A subway breakdown at rush hour can rejuvenate hundreds of commuters

2. In the 19th century, workers were sometimes exploited by their employers.

3. Heavyweight boxers do not inflict any pain or injury on one another.

go to keyword: dictionary to look up the words "rejuvenate", "exploited" and "inflict". Then you will be able to answer these questions. Please repost if you would like to have your answers checked.


1. To answer the first question, we need to look up the word "rejuvenate". We can do this by visiting one of the suggested websites such as,,, or Once on the website, we can search for the word "rejuvenate" in the dictionary section. By reading the definition, we can determine if a subway breakdown can indeed rejuvenate hundreds of commuters.

2. For the second question, we need to look up the word "exploited". Using one of the recommended websites, we can search for the word in the dictionary section and read its definition. By understanding the meaning of "exploited", we can determine if workers were indeed exploited by their employers in the 19th century.

3. Finally, for the third question, we need to look up the word "inflict". We can follow the same process as before, visiting a dictionary website and searching for the word "inflict" to understand its meaning. Once we know what it means, we can assess if heavyweight boxers do or do not inflict pain or injury on each other.

Remember to visit one of the suggested dictionary websites, search for the indicated words, read their definitions, and then use that knowledge to answer the questions based on your understanding.