Find three positive real numbers whose sum is 52 and whose product is a maximum?????

52/3, 52/3, 52/3

Product is 5,207.7037

To find the three positive real numbers whose sum is 52 and whose product is a maximum, we can use the concept of optimization.

Let's denote the three numbers as x, y, and z. According to the given conditions, we have the equation:

x + y + z = 52

To maximize the product, we need to find the maximum value for xyz. However, directly finding the maximum of this product can be challenging. Instead, we will use the concept of AM-GM inequality.

The AM-GM inequality states that the arithmetic mean of a set of positive real numbers is always greater than or equal to their geometric mean. Mathematically, for positive real numbers a1, a2, ..., an, the inequality is given as:

(a1 + a2 + ... + an)/n ≥ (a1 * a2 * ... * an)^(1/n)

In our case, we have three numbers, so n = 3. Let's apply the AM-GM inequality to the numbers x, y, and z:

(x + y + z)/3 ≥ (xyz)^(1/3)

Substituting the sum equation, we get:

52/3 ≥ (xyz)^(1/3)

To maximize the product xyz, we need to maximize (xyz)^(1/3). Since the cube root function is a monotonically increasing function for positive numbers, we can raise both sides to the power of 3 to simplify the inequality:

(52/3)^3 ≥ xyz

Now we have:

xyz ≤ (52/3)^3

To maximize the product xyz, we need to find the maximum value for (52/3)^3. Evaluating this expression gives us:

(52/3)^3 ≈ 447.39

Therefore, the maximum product of the three positive real numbers whose sum is 52 is approximately 447.39.

To find the actual values of x, y, and z, you can solve the equation x + y + z = 52 using optimization techniques such as calculus or a numerical solver.