I have a book report due on Friday and need some help. My book is titled "Blizzard's Wake" written by Phyllis Reynold's Naylor. My report needs to include at least 6 sentences for each: Plot(not plot summaries), Setting, Characterization, Theme, Conflict, Tone, Relate to on a Personal Level, Review, and Narration. I don't understand some of these which makes it hard on me. Thanks!

plot: "In literary and dramatic works, the plot is the primary sequence of events." exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action and resolution.


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monday december 14,2015

No problem, I'm here to help! Let's break down each element of your book report and I'll explain what they mean and how you can approach them.

1. Plot: Instead of writing a plot summary, you need to analyze the overall story structure, including key events, turning points, and the resolution. Consider the main conflict and how it develops throughout the book.

2. Setting: This refers to the time and place where the story takes place. Describe the physical locations and cultural environment presented in the book, as well as how they contribute to the overall story.

3. Characterization: Here, you'll focus on the development and traits of the main characters. Discuss their personalities, motivations, and relationships with other characters. You can also explore how the author reveals their traits through dialogue, actions, and thoughts.

4. Theme: Themes are the underlying messages or lessons conveyed in the book. Identify the major themes explored in "Blizzard's Wake" and provide evidence from the text to support your analysis.

5. Conflict: Discuss the main conflict or problems faced by the characters, both internally and externally. Explain how this conflict drives the story and influences the characters' actions.

6. Tone: Tone refers to the author's attitude or feelings toward the subject matter. Look for words, descriptions, or overall writing style that reveals the tone of the book. Is it serious, humorous, or something else?

7. Relate to on a Personal Level: Explain how the book made you feel or relate to the characters or situations. Was there anything in the story that resonated with your own experiences or emotions?

8. Review: Share your overall evaluation of the book. Discuss its strengths, weaknesses, and your personal opinion. Be sure to support your opinions with examples from the book.

9. Narration: Consider the narrative style and point of view in the book. Is it told from a first-person or third-person perspective? How does the choice of narration affect the story or your understanding of it?

Remember to use specific examples, quotes, or passages from the book to support your points in each section. Reading the book carefully, taking notes, and organizing your thoughts before writing will greatly help you in analyzing each element effectively. Good luck with your book report!