Write at least 8 words that start with gu and the u is silent.

Any help is appreciated!



guilty, guide, guess, guest, guard, guerilla, guild, guidon, guile, Guinea


Only 6 more to go!


Thank you!!!

I suggest you browse through all the words in a dictionary that begin "gu-".

Sure! Here are eight words that start with "gu" where the "u" is silent:

1. Guitar
2. Guard
3. Guerrilla
4. Guinea pig
5. Guest
6. Guild
7. Guise
8. Guava

To find words like these, one approach is to think of words that are commonly pronounced with a silent "u" in everyday speech. Another way is to consult dictionaries or online word lists that provide pronunciations. These resources often indicate when a specific letter in a word is silent.