Finding the slope and y-intercept for x = -9, I beleive is (-9, 0) and the slope is undefined.

However what if you are looking for the slope and y-intercept of y = x?

Hmmm. It is a vertical line, so you are right, slope is undefined.

Now y=x is easy

Rewrite it as
y= 1*x + 0

slope is 1, y intercept is zero.

To find the slope and y-intercept of the equation y = x, we can refer to the slope-intercept form, which is y = mx + b. In this form, "m" represents the slope and "b" represents the y-intercept.

Since the equation y = x is already in this form, we can directly read the values. The coefficient of x, which is 1, represents the slope, and the constant term, which is 0, represents the y-intercept.

Therefore, for the equation y = x, the slope is 1 and the y-intercept is 0.