Songs related to beowulf?

i have to do a project for school and we have to rewrite a scene in the movie Beowulf. I have to choose about 10 songs to put in it. My group is doing the scene where Beowulf kills the Dragon. I'm having the hardest time finding songs that relate to this scene does anyone have any idea?

When choosing songs to accompany a scene from Beowulf where Beowulf kills the Dragon, you may want to consider songs that capture the mood, themes, and emotions of the scene. Here are a few steps you can take to find songs that relate to this epic event:

1. Understand the scene: Read and analyze the scene carefully to identify its key elements, such as bravery, heroism, battle, victory, and sacrifice.

2. Consider instrumental music: Instrumental tracks can often evoke the desired emotions and create an epic atmosphere without distracting lyrics. Look for film scores, classical pieces, or epic instrumental tracks that can heighten the intensity of the scene.

3. Search for epic or heroic themes: Look for songs that convey a sense of heroism, triumph, or epic battles. Consider tracks from genres like power metal, symphonic metal, or soundtrack compositions that often emphasize heroic themes.

4. Explore mythological or fantasy-inspired music: Songs that draw inspiration from ancient myths, legends, or fantasy worlds may resonate with Beowulf's story. Look for bands or artists who explore such themes in their lyrics and music.

5. Research songs inspired by Beowulf: Some musicians have written songs directly inspired by Beowulf. Search for songs with titles or lyrics that directly reference Beowulf, Grendel, or the Dragon.

6. Utilize online music platforms: Websites like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube can be valuable resources in finding playlists or curated collections specifically created for epic battles or mythological themes.

7. Seek recommendations and suggestions: Reach out to friends, classmates, or online communities who may have an interest in Beowulf, mythology, or epic music. They might be able to provide you with excellent song suggestions.

Remember, the aim is to select songs that enhance the viewers' experience and complement the scene, so choose songs that evoke the desired emotions while staying true to the story's theme and atmosphere.