What's the longitude and latitufe for mid-indian ridge?

and is the southwest indian ridge and southeast indian ridge one big ridge, or two different ocean ridges?

Check these maps.



To find the longitude and latitude for the Mid-Indian Ridge, you can use an online mapping tool or a geographic database. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find this information using the Google Maps platform:

1. Open a web browser and go to Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps).
2. In the search bar at the top of the page, type "Mid-Indian Ridge" and press Enter.
3. Google Maps will display the location of the Mid-Indian Ridge on the map, and you can zoom in/out to navigate to the area of interest.
4. Right-click on the map at the desired location of the Mid-Indian Ridge and select "What's here?"
5. A small window at the bottom of the page will display the coordinates for that location in longitude and latitude format.

Regarding the Southwest Indian Ridge and Southeast Indian Ridge, they are two different ridges. The Southwest Indian Ridge is located in the Indian Ocean, stretching from the island of Madagascar to the West Indian Ocean. The Southeast Indian Ridge is also located in the Indian Ocean, extending from the West Indian Ocean to the Australian-Antarctic Basin. These two ridges are separate and distinct, with different physical characteristics and geological features.