there are 24 hours in a day and scientists tell us that we should sleep for 3/8 of the much time should we spend sleeping?

3/8 means , 3 parts out of 8 parts of anything, in this case, full day or 24 hours. So divide 24 hours into eight equal parts. So 24/8 is 3. Now take three parts of it. That is 3 parts of 3 lots. The answer is 9 hours.

9 hours !!

Sam has collected 125 toys. George has collected 3/5 of this . How many toys has George collected

Sam has collected 125 toys. George has collected 3/5 of this . How many toys has George collected

9 hours

125:5=25 25×3=75


how did you get that can I have a clear explanation?

what is you answer

9 hours