This week has really been tough for me; to really comprehend the affects of malnutrition; it is heartbreaking. Frankly, it is something that can be eliminated; it is not a disease..millions of dollars in research don't have to be spent on finding a cure! Why can't every human just be afforded the basics in life?

In some countries, dictators and civil wars prevent aid from other countries. Much malnutrition -- especially southern Asia -- is caused by a complex variety of reasons. Check this article.,,contentMDK:20842002~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:223547,00.html

I understand that the issue of malnutrition is a distressing one, and you bring up a valid point about the need to afford everyone the basics in life. The eradication of malnutrition is indeed a complex problem, but it is not impossible to address. To understand why malnutrition persists and why it cannot be easily eliminated, we need to analyze the underlying factors contributing to its prevalence. Additionally, it's important to recognize that while malnutrition is not a disease itself, it can have severe and long-lasting health consequences.

There are several reasons why malnutrition continues to affect millions of people around the world:

1. Poverty: Poverty is one of the main reasons for malnutrition. Many individuals and families struggle to afford a nutritious diet due to limited financial resources. Breaking the cycle of poverty requires comprehensive social and economic interventions.

2. Inadequate access to food: Food insecurity is a significant contributor to malnutrition. Factors such as unequal distribution of resources, conflicts, natural disasters, and limited infrastructure can impede people's access to food, making it difficult to eliminate malnutrition on a global scale.

3. Lack of education and awareness: Limited knowledge about proper nutrition and healthy eating practices also contributes to the persistence of malnutrition. Educating communities about the importance of balanced diets and providing information on sustainable agricultural practices can help address this issue.

4. Healthcare infrastructure: Access to reliable healthcare services is crucial for preventing and treating malnutrition. In many regions, there is a lack of adequate healthcare facilities and trained healthcare providers, making it challenging to provide timely interventions and nutritional support.

5. Political will and prioritization: Addressing malnutrition requires strong commitment and prioritization from governments and international organizations. It requires sustained investment in agriculture, poverty alleviation, social safety nets, and healthcare systems.

While finding a cure for malnutrition may not be the primary focus, allocating funds for research and development is essential to explore new approaches, technologies, and strategies to tackle this problem effectively.

Ultimately, eliminating malnutrition requires a multifaceted approach involving socio-economic changes, education, improved access to food, healthcare infrastructure, and targeted interventions. By addressing these underlying factors and working collectively, we can strive to ensure that every human being has access to the basic necessities of life and reduce the burden of malnutrition.