why was the Great Wall of china build?

The Great Wall of China was built to keep people out of China. These people who lived north of the wall were considered barbarians by the Chinese. The Wall kept them from invading China.

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Match the achievement with the dynasty that accomplished it.



Great Wall of China

writing system

Qin dynasty

Han dynasty

Zhou dynasty

Shang dynasty

The Great Wall of China was built for several reasons, primarily as a defensive structure. It was constructed by ancient Chinese dynasties over many centuries, with the initial walls dating back as early as the 7th century BC. Here's how you can explore and understand the reasons behind its construction:

1. Protection against invasions: One of the main purposes of the Great Wall was to defend against military attacks and invasions from various nomadic tribes and neighboring states. The northern territories of China were frequently under threat, so building a formidable barrier acted as a deterrent and provided a strategic advantage in warfare.

2. Border control and surveillance: The wall served as a means to regulate trade, control movement, and monitor borders. It allowed authorities to keep track of people entering and leaving the region, preventing unauthorized entry and curbing smuggling activities.

3. Symbolic significance: The Great Wall represents the unity and strength of the Chinese nation. It held cultural and symbolic importance, demonstrating the imperial power and the greatness of ancient China.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can refer to historical documents, books, journals, and online resources about the Great Wall of China's construction and its historical context. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of its multifaceted purposes and the historical events surrounding its development.