Question on "Brave New World":

What does this quote mean--"Was and will make me ill. I take a gramme and only am."

Thanks for your help!

Whoever said this doesn't want to think about (or doesn't believe in) the past or future. S/he is only interested in the present.

The quote you mentioned is from Aldous Huxley's novel, "Brave New World." In this dystopian novel, society is highly controlled, and people are conditioned to value pleasure, conformity, and stability over individuality and personal experiences.

The quote "Was and will make me ill. I take a gramme and only am" reflects the mindset of the characters in this world. In this context, "Was" refers to the past, and "will" refers to the future. The words indicate the concepts of memory and anticipation, which are discouraged in the society depicted in the novel. The idea is that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future can be distressing, so people are taught to suppress those thoughts.

"I take a gramme" refers to the consumption of a drug called Soma, which is a central element in this society. Soma is used to escape unpleasant emotions, discomfort, and thoughts. By taking Soma, the character experiences a sense of immediate pleasure and becomes fully absorbed in the present moment. "And only am" implies that by taking the drug, the character can exist solely in the present without the burden of memories or worries about the future.

This quote demonstrates the attitude of the characters in "Brave New World" towards using Soma as a means to numb themselves from deeper emotions and existential questions, ultimately emphasizing the novel's theme of sacrificing individuality and freedom for the sake of societal stability and happiness.