i need to write half a page about a developing country, ive picked africa and i need to write half a page about a developed country ,ive picked america.


Africa is a continent with over 50 countries. Since most are developing, you can pick almost any of them. Once you've chosen a country, here are two good sources of information.



When you research America, look for the United States.

Here's a list of developing countries.


It seems that EVERY African country is on the "developing" list... even South Africa, which still has a middle class European appearance in the major cities and coastal areas, but has millions living in squalor in townships and squatter villages

To write half a page about a developing country like Africa and a developed country like America, you can follow these steps:

1. Research about Africa:
- Start by gathering information about the continent of Africa. Look for details on its geography, population, major countries, and overall development status.
- Find specific examples of developing countries within Africa. Consider countries like Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, or Ethiopia, which represent different regions and have distinct development challenges.
- Look for data and statistics on economic indicators such as GDP, poverty rates, literacy rates, and access to basic necessities like healthcare, clean water, and education.
- Examine some significant development issues faced by African countries, such as infrastructure gaps, political stability concerns, social inequality, or environmental challenges.

2. Organize your thoughts:
- Start by introducing Africa as a developing continent. Provide some context about its potential, diversity, and key characteristics.
- Choose two or three developing African countries to focus on, briefly discussing their specific challenges and development issues.
- Utilize the researched data and statistics to support your points and provide evidence of Africa's development status.
- Conclude this section by summarizing the common challenges faced by developing countries in Africa and the potential for growth and progress.

3. Research about America:
- Begin researching the United States to gather information about its geography, population, economy, and overall development.
- Consider crucial aspects of the US, such as its history, democratic governance, technological advancements, and global influence.
- Look for data and statistics on economic indicators like GDP, high standard of living, advanced healthcare system, excellent education opportunities, and technological innovation.
- Explore notable achievements of the country, such as its role as a global economic powerhouse, its multicultural society, and its contributions to science, technology, and the arts.

4. Organize your thoughts:
- Start the section on America by introducing it as a developed country known for its economic prosperity, technological advancements, and cultural influence.
- Discuss the United States' key features, highlighting its democracy, economic strength, educational opportunities, and vibrant society.
- Employ the researched data and statistics to support your arguments on America's development and highlight its achievements.
- Conclude this section by summarizing the key factors that contribute to America's status as a developed country.

Remember to appropriately cite your sources and maintain a balanced perspective while presenting information about both Africa and America. Good luck with your writing!