
Log5(5squareroot x/7) the first 5 is a base

how would you expand that?

log(base5) of 5 sqrtx/7)

= log (base5) 5 + log(base5)x^1/2 - log(base5) 7
= 1 + (1/2) log(base5) x - 1.20906
= (1/2) log(base5)x - 0.20906

I assumed that your square root was of x, not of x/7

To expand the expression Log₅(5√(x/7)), first, let's simplify the expression inside the logarithm:

Since the base of the logarithm is 5, we want to rewrite 5√(x/7) as a power of 5.

To begin, we can split the square root into two separate terms:
5√(x/7) = 5(x/7)^(1/2)

Next, apply the exponent of 1/2 to both the numerator and denominator inside the parentheses:
5(x^1/2 / 7^1/2)

Now, rewrite each term individually:
5(x^1/2) / 5(7^1/2)

Simplifying further,
5(x^1/2) / (5⋅√7)

Finally, we can express the expression as:
Log₅( x^1/2 / (5⋅√7) )