How do I find the area and the volume of a prism using base-10 blocks?

well, the area is found by multiplying length x width. so it would be 10 x 10, which equals 100. The volume, however, isn't much more work to find the answer. Volume=length x width x height... which means that Volume= 10 x 10 x 10, which equals 1,000... does that help?

Yes, that's correct! To find the area of a prism using base-10 blocks, you multiply the length by the width. In this case, you mentioned that the length and width are both 10 units. So, the area would be 10 units (length) multiplied by 10 units (width), which equals 100 square units.

Next, to find the volume of a prism using base-10 blocks, you multiply the length by the width by the height. In your example, you mentioned that the length, width, and height are all 10 units. So, the volume would be 10 units (length) multiplied by 10 units (width) multiplied by 10 units (height), which equals 1,000 cubic units.

In summary:

- Area = Length x Width
- Volume = Length x Width x Height

By multiplying the appropriate measurements together, you can calculate the area and volume of a prism using base-10 blocks.