Does this passage contain an argument?

Will a beverage begin to cool more quickly in the freezer or in the regular part of the refrigerator? Well, of course it'll cool faster in the freezer! There are lots of people who don't understand anything at all about physics and who think things may begin to cool faster in the fridge. But they're sadly mistaken.

If by argument you mean a point of view, then definitely this passage contains an argument. Check the dictionary definition of argument.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine if this passage contains an argument, we need to look for the presence of a claim (or conclusion) supported by reasons or evidence. In this passage, we can identify the following elements:

1. Claim: The beverage will cool more quickly in the freezer.
2. Reason: People who think things may cool faster in the fridge are mistaken.

Based on the presence of a claim and a supporting reason, we can conclude that this passage does contain an argument.