please help

president Roosevelt's progressive record included all the following EXCEPT
a. conservation of forest land
b. break-up of several trusts deemed harmful to the public
c. regulation of food and drugs
d. establsihment of the Federal Reserve System.


I assume you mean President Theodore Roosevelt. Check this site.

To determine which of the options is NOT included in President Roosevelt's progressive record, we need to analyze each option and eliminate the one that does not belong. Let's look at each option and see if it aligns with President Roosevelt's progressive policies.

a. Conservation of forest land: This was indeed a part of President Roosevelt's progressive record. He established national parks, national forests, and national monuments to protect American land and natural resources.

b. Break-up of several trusts deemed harmful to the public: This is also an accurate statement. President Roosevelt was known for his efforts to regulate and break up large monopolies and trusts, such as his lawsuit against Northern Securities Company, a railroad monopoly.

c. Regulation of food and drugs: This is another correct statement. President Roosevelt pushed for and signed the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, which aimed to regulate the sanitation and labeling of food products and medicines.

d. Establishment of the Federal Reserve System: This statement is also correct. President Roosevelt did not establish the Federal Reserve System; it was actually implemented during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson in 1913.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the answer is d. Establishment of the Federal Reserve System. This option is not part of President Roosevelt's progressive record.

So, the option that does NOT belong to President Roosevelt's progressive record is d. Establishment of the Federal Reserve System.