Women need to be either brillent or beautiful to survive in this world.

Which fallacy is this?

1) why cant they be both brilliant and beautiful?

2) why not hardworking and competent?

But the real fallacy is the idea of beauty? What exactly is that?

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What is a statement called which covers all members of a group, not taking into consideration differences?

The statement you have mentioned reflects a fallacy known as the false dichotomy or false dilemma. This fallacy occurs when someone presents an argument that assumes there are only two options or possibilities when in reality there may be other alternatives or combinations.

In this case, the fallacy is that women must be either "brilliant or beautiful" to survive in the world. This statement suggests that there are no other qualities or aspects that contribute to a woman's ability to thrive. It neglects other important attributes like determination, resilience, empathy, creativity, and many more that are not limited to intelligence or physical appearance.

To address this fallacy, it's essential to recognize that women, like everyone else, have a wide range of qualities that contribute to their success and survival. It is inaccurate and unfair to limit their worth and potential to just two characteristics.