My class was awarded $30.000.00 for winning a Spelling Bee competition and my classmates have agreed to use the money towards a class activity.Suggestions were:

(a)An educational tour
(b)A class party
I am required to :
(a) carry out a survey to determine how best the money can be spent
(b)write a report,describing the planning,implementation and actual survey,and recommendation
(c)submit a sample of the Survey Instruments/Questionaire

Sounds like a lot of fun.

a class party and save the rest for a trip. i say that.

To carry out a survey to determine how best to spend the money from the Spelling Bee competition, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Define the survey objectives: Clearly outline the purpose of the survey, such as gathering preferences or ideas from your classmates on how they would like the money to be spent.

2. Design the survey questionnaire: Create a set of questions that will help gather the necessary information. Some example questions could be:
- How do you think the money should be spent?
- What are your top priorities for a class activity?
- Would you prefer an educational tour or a class party?

3. Seek input from your classmates: Distribute the survey questionnaire to all the students in your class. You can do this by printing out physical copies or using online survey tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey.

4. Collect and analyze the survey data: Once the surveys are completed, gather all the responses and analyze the data. Look for common themes or patterns in the responses that will help you determine the consensus among your classmates.

5. Write a report: Based on the survey results, prepare a report that describes the planning, implementation, and actual survey results. Include details on how the survey was distributed, the response rate, and a summary of the findings.

6. Make recommendations: Based on the analysis of the survey data, provide recommendations on how to best spend the money. This can be done by summarizing the preferences expressed by your classmates and outlining the pros and cons of each option (educational tour or class party).

7. Submit a sample of the survey instruments/questionnaire: As part of your report, include a sample of the survey questionnaire that you used. This will allow others to understand the specific questions asked and the format of the survey.

Remember to present your findings and recommendations in a clear and concise manner, and include any supporting data or evidence that you have gathered from the survey.