list from least to greatest




The easiest way to list these is to change the fractions to decimals.

7/8 = 0.875

0.875, 2.0, 6.0, 7.3

You try the other two, and we'll be glad to check your work.



Right! :-)

1/2, 3/8, 1/4, 0/2, 4/4, 7/8

To list the numbers from least to greatest, you need to compare the values and arrange them in ascending order. Here's how you can do it for each given list:

1. For the first list: 7.3, 6, 7/8, 2
- Start by comparing the numbers one by one.
- The smallest number is 2, so place it first: 2.
- Next, compare the remaining numbers: 7/8, 6, 7.3
- The next smallest number is 6, so place it after 2: 2, 6.
- Finally, compare the last two numbers: 7/8, 7.3
- The largest number is 7.3, so place it at the end: 2, 6, 7/8, 7.3.

The ordered list from least to greatest for the first set is: 2, 6, 7/8, 7.3.

2. For the second list: 2.4, -1.4, -3, 4.7, 3.8
- Begin by comparing the numbers one by one.
- The smallest number is -3, so place it first: -3.
- Next, compare the remaining numbers: 2.4, -1.4, 4.7, 3.8
- The next smallest number is -1.4, so place it after -3: -3, -1.4.
- Continue comparing: 2.4, 4.7, 3.8
- The next smallest number is 2.4, so place it after -1.4: -3, -1.4, 2.4.
- Finally, compare the last two numbers: 4.7, 3.8
- The largest number is 4.7, so place it at the end: -3, -1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 4.7.

The ordered list from least to greatest for the second set is: -3, -1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 4.7.

3. For the third list: 2/5, 1/10, 0.5, 1.6, 0.42
- Start by comparing the numbers one by one.
- The smallest number is 0.42, so place it first: 0.42.
- Next, compare the remaining numbers: 2/5, 1/10, 0.5, 1.6
- The next smallest number is 1/10, so place it after 0.42: 0.42, 1/10.
- Continue comparing: 2/5, 0.5, 1.6
- The next smallest number is 0.5, so place it after 1/10: 0.42, 1/10, 0.5.
- Finally, compare the last two numbers: 2/5, 1.6
- The largest number is 1.6, so place it at the end: 0.42, 1/10, 0.5, 1.6.

The ordered list from least to greatest for the third set is: 0.42, 1/10, 0.5, 1.6.