How do you find surface area?

well all you have to do is first find the pythagorom (if that is how you spell it)of the triangle then you have to find the area of everything else. ONce you are done then you have to add up all of the sides areas. After that you then get your answer!!!

Hope that helped

Actually, finding the surface area depends on the shape you are dealing with. Here are the formulas to find the surface area for common shapes:

1. Cube: Surface area = 6 * side length^2. Each face of a cube is a square, so you simply multiply the area of one face by 6.

2. Rectangular Prism: Surface area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh. You calculate the area of each face (length times width) and add them up.

3. Sphere: Surface area = 4πr^2. The surface area of a sphere can be found by multiplying the radius squared by 4 and then multiplying the product by π.

4. Cylinder: Surface area = 2πrh + 2πr^2. The first term represents the curved part of the cylinder (lateral surface area) and the second term represents the area of the top and bottom (base area).

5. Cone: Surface area = πr(r + l), where l is the slant height. To find the slant height, use the Pythagorean theorem: l = √(r^2 + h^2), where h is the height of the cone.

Remember to use the correct formula based on the shape you are working with.