could you help explain unstressed syllables? Homework is to underline the unstressed syllable or syllables.

Examples of words dozen, spinach. ext.


The unstressed syllables are the ones spoken a bit less loudly than the stressed ones. Below, the stressed syllables are in CAPS, while the unstressed ones are in lower-case.


You can re-post with additional words about which you have questions. Be sure to look them up in a dictionary first, though. The dictionary tells you what the stressed syllables are in the pronunciation section for each word.

relative unstressed syllables

Of course! I can definitely help you with that.

Unstressed syllables are syllables in a word that are pronounced with less emphasis or strength compared to the stressed syllables. To identify the unstressed syllables in a word, you need to listen for the syllables that are pronounced more softly or quickly.

Let's take the word "dozen" as an example. To find the unstressed syllable(s), we need to break down the word into its syllables. In this case, "dozen" has two syllables: "doz" and "en." Now, we need to determine which syllable is unstressed. When we say "dozen," we give more emphasis or stress to the first syllable, "doz," while the second syllable, "en," is spoken more softly or with less emphasis. Therefore, "en" is the unstressed syllable in the word "dozen."

Similarly, let's consider the word "spinach." Divide the word into syllables: "spi" and "nach." By pronouncing the word, we can hear that the emphasis is placed on the first syllable, "spi," while the second syllable, "nach," is pronounced more quickly and with less stress. Hence, "nach" is the unstressed syllable in the word "spinach."

To complete your homework and underline the unstressed syllables, you should identify the syllables in the given words and mark the ones that sound softer or less emphasized. Practice saying the words aloud, focusing on the difference in emphasis between the stressed and unstressed syllables, and underline the unstressed syllables accordingly.