how many Us representatives are there?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Read carefully for your answer:

To find the number of U.S. representatives, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and search for "United States House of Representatives" on a search engine like Google.
2. Click on a reliable source like the Wikipedia page titled "United States House of Representatives" to gather accurate information.
3. On the Wikipedia page, there should be a section that provides the total number of representatives.
4. Read through the section to locate the information you need. It is typically mentioned near the beginning of the page.
5. Alternatively, you can use the "Search" function on the page and type in "number of representatives" to quickly find the required information.
6. Note down the number of U.S. representatives mentioned.
7. In general, the number of U.S. representatives is fixed at 435 members. However, this number can change over time due to reapportionment after each census.

Please note that while Wikipedia is generally a reliable source, it's always a good practice to cross-check information from multiple sources to ensure its accuracy.