I nead help with two questions. These to questions are confusing to me for some reason.

Explain how the inheritance of traits is controlled in organsims. Use the terms genes and alleled in your explanation.

The allele for round seeds is represented by R. Suppose that a pea plant inherited tow recessive alleles for wrinkled seeds. How would you write the symbols for its allelels/

Majoraly confused.

please help

On the first, see....

On the second. The round seed allele is R. The recessive would be a small letter, you could use w or r. If the seed had two recessive, you would write it as rr (or ww). If it had one recessive, and one round, it would be written Rr (or Rw)

I understand that these questions can be confusing, but don't worry, I'm here to help! Let's break down each question and explain them step by step.

1. How is the inheritance of traits controlled in organisms, using the terms genes and alleles?

Inheritance of traits in organisms is controlled through the transfer of genetic information from parents to offspring. This transfer occurs through genes, which are segments of DNA that contain instructions for specific traits. Genes exist in different forms called alleles.

Alleles are alternative versions of a gene that can give rise to different expressions of a trait. For example, let's consider the trait of seed shape in pea plants. The gene responsible for this trait might have two alleles: one for round seeds (represented by the letter R) and another for wrinkled seeds (represented by the letter r).

During reproduction, organisms inherit one allele for each gene from each parent. This means that offspring will receive two alleles for each gene, one from the mother and one from the father. The combination of alleles determines the expression of a trait in an organism.

Now let's move on to the second question.

2. How would you write the symbols for the alleles of a pea plant that inherited two recessive alleles for wrinkled seeds?

In this scenario, we are told that the allele for round seeds is represented by R, and the recessive allele for wrinkled seeds can be represented by a lowercase letter, such as w or r.

If a pea plant inherited two recessive alleles for wrinkled seeds, we would write the symbols for its alleles as rr (or ww) because both alleles are the recessive form.

If the pea plant had one recessive allele (wrinkled) and one dominant allele (round), we would write the symbols as Rr (or Rw), indicating that the round allele is dominant over the wrinkled allele.

Remember, when writing the symbols for alleles, the dominant allele is typically represented by a capital letter, and the recessive allele is represented by a lowercase letter.

I hope this explanation clears up your confusion! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.