how to convert a fraction to a decimal?



Divide the top number [3]

by the bottom number [5]
on your calculator.
Then multiply that by 100
and that is the percentage.

3/5 * 100 = 60%

If you want it just as a decimal, don't multiply it by 100.

To convert a fraction to a decimal, you can use division. Here is how you can convert the fractions 3/5 and 1/50 to decimals:

1. 3/5:
To convert 3/5 to a decimal, divide 3 by 5:
3 ÷ 5 = 0.6
Therefore, 3/5 is equal to 0.6 as a decimal.

2. 1/50:
To convert 1/50 to a decimal, divide 1 by 50:
1 ÷ 50 = 0.02
Therefore, 1/50 is equal to 0.02 as a decimal.

When dividing the numerator (top number) of the fraction by the denominator (bottom number), you get the decimal representation of the fraction.