Eduardo owned of a family business. He sold of the business to his son. What portion of the business does he still own?

I just need help with setting up the problem. I will get the answer from that

I think you forgot part of the question.

How much of the business did Eduardo own? How much did he sell to his son?

To set up the problem, we need to determine the portion of the business that Eduardo still owns after selling a portion to his son. Let's assume that Eduardo originally owned the entire business.

Let's represent the original ownership portion as "1," which represents the whole business. Since Eduardo sold a fraction of the business to his son, we'll represent the portion sold as "x."

Therefore, after selling x portion of the business to his son, Eduardo will still own the remaining portion, which we'll represent as "1 - x."

So, the portion of the business that Eduardo still owns is "1 - x."

Now you can substitute any value for "x" to find the exact proportion of the business that Eduardo still owns.