Use the intercepts to graph the equation.

4x-12=3y It should be pair.
is the answer (4,3)

The answer is the graph with the correct straight line on it.

First find the y axis intercept. That is where x = 0
0 - 12 = 3 y
y = -4
so one point is (0,-4)
Second find the x axis intercept. That is where y = 0
4 x - 12 = 0
x = 3
So a second point on the line is (3,0)
Two points determine the line so graph those two points and draw a straight line through them. That is your graph.

Find the slope, if its exists.

x+ 7y=14
x= 7y/14=2 could you check this for me.

Checked and found wrong.

You seem to have no idea how to handle equations. I suggest private tutoring.

They asked for the slope, not the value of x.

You posted the problem somewhere else; I gave the correct answer there.

Write a rational function with an x intercept at (-9, 0), a vertical asymptote at x = 3, and a hole located at (1, -5). Then, identify the horizontal asymptote

To graph the equation 4x - 12 = 3y using intercepts, we need to find the x and y-intercepts. The x-intercept is the point at which the line intersects the x-axis, making the y-coordinate 0. The y-intercept is the point at which the line intersects the y-axis, making the x-coordinate 0.

To find the x-intercept, we set y = 0 in the equation and solve for x:
4x - 12 = 3(0)
4x - 12 = 0
4x = 12
x = 12/4
x = 3

So, the x-intercept is (3, 0).

To find the y-intercept, we set x = 0 in the equation and solve for y:
4(0) - 12 = 3y
-12 = 3y
y = -12/3
y = -4

So, the y-intercept is (0, -4).

Now that we have the x-intercept (3, 0) and the y-intercept (0, -4), we can plot these points on the coordinate plane and draw a line passing through them. The pair (4, 3) is not the answer, as it does not satisfy the equation.

The correct graph would pass through the x-intercept (3, 0) and the y-intercept (0, -4), indicating that the equation 4x - 12 = 3y is represented by a line.